Tuesday, March 24, 2009

WBO #18

I spent so much time working on #17 that I had to just whip something out really fast today (Sunday). My thought behind this piece was repetition and glazing. I used Primary Yellow, Rose Madder Genuine and Cobalt Blue. I think the Primary Yellow is a bit too strong but I was out of Aureolin. I started with the background thinking it was just to be a sort of ghosting of the image. Then I moved on to painting with yellow, followed by pink and then blue. Only the foremost image has all three colors. I was painting really fast with a big, drippy brush and my my board tilted. I wasn't aiming for anything frameable, I just wanted to play and experiment. See Mike! I'm taking chances! :) I ended using a black marker to help focus on the main still live and crisp up the edges a bit, but still keeping it loose.

I think I prefer it as a value study in grayscale.

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